The Science of Astrology
The Science of Astrology
In this post, I will be discussing if there is any scientific proof to Astrology. Whether you agree or choose to believe in what I write or not is entirely up to you. My intentions are simply to share what I believe based on my own findings; although if you're here reading this, one can probably safely assume that you have some belief in it yourself. I'm sure you hear people bad-mouthing Astrology all the time as a pseudo-science, with no scientific founding or proof to back it up, but if you're like me your intuition will tell you that is wrong. It kept nagging at me - how can people not believe in Astrology just because no one has discovered any science behind it, yet they will believe in Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and a whole bunch of other 'isms' out there without any question at all? What's especially funny to me is that very few people have witnessed a religious miracle, yet we can all see the effect of the planets on our Earth.
The Sun shines down on you and you can feel it's warmth. If you stay out in it too long you will end up with a sunburn. Sunlight is one of three essential ingredients plants use to create photosynthesis which in turn makes oxygen for us; and it makes crops grow. The moon effects the push and pull of the ocean tides and it is even said to effect women's menstrual cycles. These are some things we can all agree on, but there are certain nay-sayers who despite all these physical examples, still believe the planets have no effect on us! Whether they are just refusing to connect these dots, or if it's simply ignorance, we'll never know; but that nagging feeling that there was more to it than meets the eye forced me down into the rabbit hole. I have spent many years studying Astrology as well as Astronomy, and I may have finally found just the answers to get those non-believers to come to our side. For centuries people have said there is no science in Astrology; well without further ado, let's begin our journey into my findings and see if you still don't believe it by the end of this article.
To begin, let us first discuss space. Outer space. We all know what we have been taught in school; That everything is just loosely floating about and the only thing keeping all the planets from smashing into the Sun is gravity, right? WRONG. I will explain how this is simply illogical. To say that gravity is what's holding it all together really does not make sense. Gravity is a force which means it pulls on things but when speaking in terms of general relativity, it is stated that gravity neither pushes nor pulls. So you can see how these laws are contradicting towards one another. Also, I've never seen an apple fall from a tree and begin to orbit the Earth before it could hit the ground, have you? Now you must be thinking, if it isn't gravity, what is it then? My answer to you is Magnetism. Yes, you read that right, magnetism.
In order to fully explain my theory to you, there are a few things you must first know about space. One is the occurrence of retrogrades. A retrograde as defined by scientists at NASA is when a planet "appears" to be moving backwards. According to those researchers claims, the differences between each planets orbital speeds is what causes the planets to appear as though they are rotating or moving backwards. It is an illusion caused by the moving Earth passing the outer planets in their orbits, they say. We will be coming back to this point later and I will explain how it is not an illusion but is each planet actually stopping and re-starting their courses through magnetism. For now though, just remember what I have explained from these scientists point of view about it being an optical illusion.
Another important thing to know about space is that the Sun is magnetic. That's right, magnetic. The Sun's magnetosphere extends into the vacuum of space, on average, from approximately 37,282 miles sunward, and continues to trail out more than 186,411 miles away from the Sun in the magnetotail. It has been concluded that the Sun's magnetic field extends well beyond the farthest planet in the solar system. This means that we are completely bathed in this magnetic field, as well as any other planets that fall within that range. It may surprise you to also know that many other planets have their own magnetic field as well, including our very own Earth. While some planets have very large fields almost rivaling that of the Sun's (Jupiter is the champion but also includes Saturn, Uranus and Neptune), others have very weak fields, or no field at all (Mercury, Mars, Venus). Being magnetic means that they also have a positive and a negative pole.
This magnetic field is also what's responsible for those black spots on the Sun known as 'Sunspots'. These are caused by disturbances in the Sun's magnetic field welling up to it's visible surface, also known as the photosphere. The powerful magnetism in the vicinity of the sunspots produce active regions on the Sun, which in turn frequently spawns disturbances such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). They appear dark because those areas are cooler than other parts of the Sun's surface, where these disturbances are not occurring. Think of these areas as blockages in the suns field.
You may now be wondering what causes this magnetism. The answer lies on the surface. The Sun's high temperatures cause the positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons that make up it's plasma to move around ALOT. The moving plasma creates many complicated magnetic fields that twist and turn. The extremely hot plasma that blows off the Sun as a solar wind also causes a magnetic field.
Another interesting thing to know about the Sun is that it's core produces high levels of radioactivity. It is constantly busy converting hydrogen into helium in a process known as nuclear fusion. When that happens nuclear binding energy can be released and this is what keeps the Sun hot. Similar to the Sun's core, the other planets cores are conductive as well. This means they have the ability to conduct something (specifically heat and electricity) through their cores. NASA says there is no conductivity on the Sun because it is not solid, but in my theory - it is actually a huge sphere of rock and metal just like the other planets, the only difference is the nuclear energy in it's core. It seems more logical that this 'star' would be like the other planets instead of some otherworldly ball of fire we seem to not be able to ever fully understand.
But how does this work? You've seen those electro-magnetic heaters right? When turned on, the coils inside the heater warms up and it begins to glow red. That is because inside the heater is an electro-magnet and an electronic oscillator that passes a high-frequency alternating current (AC) through the electro-magnet. The rapidly alternating magnetic field penetrates the object, generating electric currents inside the conductor, called eddy currents, which can produce heat and/or light. This is known as induction heating and the Sun keeps itself hot and bright in exactly the same way.
The Sun in my theory, is again, not actually made of fire, but instead is a giant rock with bits of metal inside that act exactly as a giant coil, which is being heated up by it's magnetic field interacting with the electricity produced through it's nuclear fusion and acting as an ocillator. All of these simultaneous occurrences is what creates induction heating of the Sun. It is indeed confirmed by NASA that the remainder of the Sun's mass is known to be made of iron, nickel, chromium and a slew of other magnetic or metallic components. These are the metals that act as the coil and contain the heat and light that's being generated. These metals are also what holds the magnetism created by our Sun and acts as it's poles. The Sun also has a north and south pole just as the other planets do.
This same magnetism is what keeps the planets in motion and also stops them from crashing into each other or the Sun. As stated above, the planets with magnetic fields also have a north and south pole, which aids in preventing them from colliding. This also explains the occurrence of planetary retrogrades. Now that we have an understanding of the magnetism present in our solar system, we can finally come back to this phenomenon that scientists call an illusion; but it is not an illusion. I'd like to present the theory to you that when retrogrades happen, it is because the same pole of two planets have bumped into each other, forcing one or both planets to be temporarily pushed back in it's course. Exactly like a magnet, the south pole will attract and stick to the north pole but will repel another south pole and vice versa.
Now you may be wondering why would they only collide at certain times or points? Well, that is because the planet's poles are not always facing each other. Both poles are always going to be attracted towards the sun because the Sun also has both poles and the planets are spherical in shape. This means, that while they're rotating around the sun in orbit, they are also spinning in place. This effects everything from the speed they're moving to the length and distance between their revolutions as well as their orbital paths, which effects the distance they revolve between each other. These orbital paths can change massively over time. For example, Earth's eccentricity (how close to a circle the orbital path is), it's axial tilt (what causes seasons), and precession (which direction the Earths spin axis points) change on these huge cycles, tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years long.
Usually this force of magnetism keeps them in place but every so often one will momentarily pull away before being yanked back in by the enormous force of the Sun's magnetic field. This happens when a planet is revolving too closely to another causing the same pole end of two different planets to come into contact and repel each other. The same thing happens with two magnets when trying to place them together by their opposite poles, you can try to push the magnets together but that magnetic force keeps them apart.
When opposite poles bump into each other, one or both planets is pushed backward for a certain period of time, until they spin to where their poles shift back into place and they are able to pass each other again and resume their normal course. This is what truly causes a retrograde, and makes it an actual phenomenon rather than some 'illusion'. As for the planets that have no magnetic field, they are still drawn into orbit by the Sun's or other planets magnetic field through the metal contained within them. Every single planet, and I mean every single planet, contains metal either in its core or in its main composition. Even the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn have a solid, liquid, or semi-solid core that contains some type of metal in it.
The amount of metal contained within each planet as well as the size of it's magnetic field effects the way a planet orbits as well. For example, Jupiter is large as is it's magnetic field, but it's core (where all the metal is contained) is tiny in comparison to its overall size, therefore the magnetic pull is lessened and thus it moves more slowly. Mercury on the other hand, has a smaller magnetic field but it's core comprises about 85 percent of its mass, meaning it is mostly core, mostly metal and very dense; thus the Sun's magnetic field has a stronger pull on it and causes it to orbit at a quicker pace. It is not just due to the fact that one is farther away from the sun than the other.
Now what does all this have to do with Astrology? It lies in the fact that humans also generate electrical activity and hold a magnetic field created from our brains through our thought waves. Don't believe it? Well surely you've heard of an EEG or EKG test, which stands for electroencephalogram, and it is a device used specifically to measure the electrical signals produced within our brains when our brain cells send thoughts and messages to each other. This electrical activity interacts with our own magnetic field, the magnetic field of other people around us, AND the magnetic field of the planets in our solar system, just as their magnetic field is enveloping and interacting with us. This is also why I believe it is possible to read other's minds or to influence them with our own thoughts and feelings.
A lot of people do not like this theory because they think it means that there is no God, or that they have no free will, but I'm here to tell you that is not true. You absolutely have free will, you can live in any way you would like to. Allow me though, to present another theory to you - that God made the world this way, and that this magnetism is of his own design, in order not just to regulate the universe and the Earth, but to keep us on the path intended for us.
For example, in Astrology, Mercury is known as the planet of communication, thoughts, and technology. When it is in retrograde, that shift in motion affects the way our brains and our technology works. During a Mercury retrograde you might find that your thoughts become fuzzy, and it is hard to speak. You may stutter or stumble over your words and technology will frequently 'act up' during that time; It is advised not to sign any contracts or begin any new commitments while a Mercury retrograde is occurring.
Indeed during a Mercury retrograde you may feel all those influences. Why? Maybe it is necessary that you don't do those things during that time. Maybe God designed it this way so you would always be drawn towards the right thing. By having the planets influence you through this cosmic setup, it actually keeps you in alignment with the path that God intended for you. As stated though, we all do have free will. You may resist the urges or the effects you feel during an important cosmic shift, but if you weren't meant to do so, or if it is detrimental to you in some way, then most likely you will feel some kind of anxiety or distress, as your magnetic field will be in a state of repulsion compared to the magnetism of the planetary action around you.
This happens because your thoughts (i.e your magnetic field) is resisting the influence of the planets magnetic field (which is typically much larger and stronger) and causes your magnetic frequency to begin to vibrate on a lower scale (just like if you try to force two opposite ends of a magnet together, it will vibrate because of this resistance) and you will become trapped in a cycle of negativity and dark thoughts. You know how the hippies are always saying "good vibes man"? This is exactly what they're referring to. Again though, this is all part of the cosmic design.
I don't expect anyone to agree with my theory right away (or at all) or to change their religion. You may laugh at me, you may call me a hack or stupid. That is fine, my only wish out of writing this is that you at least think about it. Keep an open mind, give it a chance, and maybe you will see like I have, that religion and spiritualism are one in the same, and in fact go hand-in-hand.
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